We also do 3D prints of Mks 7, 46, 47, 50, and 85. We can do them as either wearable costumes or as display pieces. 3D prints are fun because they allow for rich detail and are absolutely stunning when they're completed. This page just features a few of our various 3D printed projects that we've worked on. Some people only order a few pieces of a suit at a time (a helmet here, a gauntlet there) and some people order the entire thing at once.
This is a fully 3D printed, painted, and electronically installed Mk 7.
This is a fully 3D printed, painted, and Electronically installed Mk 7. The paint job was custom requested, and is inspired by the Mk 20 "Python" concept art.
This is a fully 3D printed, painted, and electronically installed Mk 46 display statue. You can't wear it, but it looks really cool and there are lots of tiny details that we were able to put in because it wasn't going to be worn.
These are just various Raw 3D prints that were requested by clients.

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